It's only one of four autographs that I don't have

While being there and doesn't know what to do Sophia starts walking to one place. While seeing her I come after and I could see faces that I know and I could talk to them. While coming closer Sophia said "hello" while I nod my head and shake hand with Jim

"Oh Sop you finally here," Mei said while drinking her champagne. While she was doing it Sophia takes one too. When I saw it I wave my hand that I don't want it and then Jim ask me "why you don't drink its good"

"driver and I trying to not drink when I want to," I said to him. while we were looking at each other I could feel that my phone start ringing. when it's happened I take it out and shut down the sound and I could see that it's been a message from shaggy that I been in news and they start searching who I am. While seeing it I make short laugh and while seeing so many influential people around I start feeling nerves so I make a decision and I come closer to Sophia whispering her "I will go smoke"