You know how scared I was

While we were driving to the hospital I have been still in shock which slowly coming away from me. "I hope all will be ok" I start saying in low voice. While hearing me mom hugs me one more time and she said "don't worry child he will be ok"

After I hear her words I nod my head and I continue watching ambulance. While we come after it to the hospital I could see personnel waiting for him and they got him to check if all is all right. When I get out of the car I wanted to follow them but I been stopped by security "are you his close family"

"No I'm his fiancée," I said to him

"Sorry you can't go there," he said and while I wanted to start arguing with him mom said "Sophia come here and we will wait"

While hearing her words I nod and come to her. While we were waiting for Greg to come out the police come. While seeing them I said and ask "you know who it was"