Falling on the ground after car hit me

While I been observing Sophia which start walking to where Angela is she turns to me and she said „I will back here soon"

"I will go to your room," I said to her while moving closer to get up.

"No I will help you go there," she said while coming closer. 'I can still walk' I said to myself and then I said to her "Don't worry about me I will go there slowly"

"Ok but be careful," Sophia said to me and she goes out. While being alone I look around and I start getting up.

While I was doing it my back hurt like hell while I was doing it but luckily I get up without any more pain.

While I been standing I take controller which been left on the table and turns off here and starts walking slowly to her room. While I was doing it I take a few breaks and I finally come inside.

"It takes me much more time than I expected," I said in low voice and before I go to bed I go to the bathroom while feeling that mother nature is calling me.