Wait here

When I come inside of bath I don't know what Sophia is planning for later but still, I start waiting for it. When I sit and not touching my back to the bath I turn to Sophia and she been standing in one place so I ask her "are you coming inside"

"Yes I'm coming," she said and start coming inside. When she been there she sits where my feet's been and then she takes a gel and starts cleaning me. 'Oh so good but I will do this later for you too when I will be healed' I said to myself and I been looking at what she is doing.

While I was observing her I move my left hand close to her. while being there she asks"what you doing"

"Oh, you will see later," I said and while holding her back I move her closer to me. While I did this and she been few centimeters from me I could see her boobs moving while she been cleaning me. While seeing it I said to her "wait"

"For what," she asked