You test me earlier

When I was sleeping for some time Greg moves wake me up. While I start looking at him I could see that he is still sleeping but he been moving a lot mostly his hand which I been hugging.

While I been observing him for some time I look at the clock and it's been 8:30 'oh my god you are been sleeping for almost 12 hours' I said to myself while observing Greg. While I was doing it for some time I decided to get up mostly thanks to hunger which come to me.

When I did this I go to the bathroom and after I done what I needed and change I go out to the kitchen. While coming there I could see the chef and I said "please made breakfast in around 10 minutes"

"Ok" I could hear and when I did all I start walking back to my room. While being there I come closer to bed and I start waking up Greg. While I been doing it for some time he finally opens his eyes and said "give me five more minutes"