He is just too stubborn

After I put clothes on me I look at Greg and while seeing him with his jeans down he looks funny. While I was looking at him I come closer to him and I start helping him with putting it on him. While I was doing it I could see that Allan want to move but while I was putting on him his boxers he hasn't made any move. When I did with it I come closer to Greg hoodie. While having it in my hand I move it a little to let dirt come. After I did this I give it back to Greg and he does the same and then he put it on him. While having it on him we come out.  

While being outside I could see that he is fighting with lighter while using only one hand but luckily he done what he wanted. While I been observing him smoking I said "you smoke some time ago"

"I know but you see I wanted to taste what they are saying" Greg answered

"What," I ask him while I don't know what he means by his words. While being closer to him he said

"It tests the best after sex"