I will give you my blessing

When I was watching cars coming I could see three of them. 'Who are you guys' I said to myself while observing them and smoking. While I was doing its car in middle stop close to stairs to the entrance and an older couple walk out from the car.

While I been observing them I could see that maid which was a bow to them while seeing it I continue what I been doing. While passing me Oldman looks at me and he said: "look at him". While hearing him I wanted to say something but I stop myself from doing it.

"He doesn't know who we are," the woman said to him

"I know but still look at who this our son-in-law hire here," he said 'wait I'm not here as help' I said to myself while listening to them. While I been doing it they have been looking at me and then he said to me in English "what you doing here"

"Smoking maybe you need glasses, to see what I'm doing here," I said to him