Moving her eyebrows

While I been dancing with Mei I could see that Martha and Meg been talking with Greg 'what you asking him' I ask myself while continuing dancing. While I was doing it I start becoming hungry so I get off parquet and then I could see that he is coming back with some food so I come closer to him. While seeing me he asks „why so fast"

"Oh I become hungry," I said and take some food from his plate. While I eating I said to him "we will be here around an hour or more"

"Ok," he said while putting a plate on the table. While being there he said "I will go to the bathroom"

"Ok," I said while coming back to eating. While I been doing it Martha come closer and she asks "so it was him"

"Yes," I said and then I add "you know how hard it was to find him"

"I suppose but still I'm happy for you. Not only you find out so good person but I can see that he is in love with you. But still one thing I haven't expected" she said to me