Check who it is

After I wake up I could see that Sophia is sleeping in the same position as she has when I fall asleep. While I was observing her I said to myself 'sleep longer' and I get up to not wake her up. When I did this I go out to drink some juice. After I did this I remembered that we have nothing to eat so I take keys to her car and go out.

While being down I go inside of her car and drive to buy some food. After I bought some bread meat and some vegetables for our breakfast and supper I start going back. 

While I been doing it I remembered that we have nothing for dinner "we will order or I will make something from what we have in frizzier" I said in a low voice while waiting for lights to change. After they did this I start driving back to our penthouse it hasn't taken me a long time but still, I have met only red lights while coming back.