Bad news

Before I go after Sophia I get up while a pausing movie that we were watching now. After I did this I come out from the room and while I start coming closer to Sophia she opened doors and then she asks "hello to who are you"

"Hello we been reported of immigrant that is living here," a police officer said

While hearing him I come closer and I said "I have visa still active"

"Oh can we see it another way we will need to call there and while it's Sunday we don't want to do this," he said. While hearing him I said "wait a minute" and I go to look at my passport while I been looking at him for some time I finally found it and then I start going out.

While being out I give it to them and start waiting if I have some problems 'wait I have a year visa with the possibility of working here so I don't know why they show up' I said to myself while looking at them and waiting.