You can come back

While I been observing Mei touching Megan boobs I could hear Greg's voice "I'm going to smoke" and he gets up and go out. While I was observing him going out Mei's body go on me. While I was observing her I could see that they start fighting. "What you doing" I scream

"Oh, she starts," Megan said while starting taking off her shirt. While seeing it Mei does the same and while seeing them I said "stop right now"

"No," Megan said and continue her fight with Mei. While they were doing it Megan said "you in love"

"No, I'm not," she said

"I will not trust you," Megan said

"Ok with next men coming inside I will give him a kiss," Mei said and then Megan frees herself and starts running away. While hearing her I said "no you will never kiss Greg"

"Ok but someone else," Mei said while running after Megan. While hearing her I could see that I have some not answered calls. While seeing it I look that it's Jim and I said "and what you will do if it's Jim"