So we will see tomorrow

While I been observing Greg putting on his plate half of my portion I have been surprised and after he did with it I ask him "what you doing"

"Oh you don't eating it so I will," he said and we continue eating. As we were doing it and we almost finished Meg ask "so what now we continue playing or no"

"I don't want to you win and I'm second," Mei said

"And I'm last," Greg said after finishing his portion 'you so fast with it' I said to myself while looking at them and then I ask "maybe we will watch the movie"

"Good idea," Greg said and we come to another part of the plane and start watching there. As we were doing it I have been hugging Greg for the whole time and when I wanted to play next I could hear pilot words "we will soon landing please sit on your places"

"Good that movie ended," Mei said while getting up from her place and going where she been sitting. When we sit after a minute or two we landed and then we start going out.