He will be giving me a massage

When I go out of the restaurant I start looking at girls who were still talking. While I was doing it I move a little on the side to let cyclist go and then bottle with my energy drink move 'fuck I totally forgot about you. Why it's so small' I said to myself while taking it out.

When I did this I could see that there left not a lot so I take it and start drinking. While I been doing it Sophia comes out and she said „from where you have it"

"Oh I bought it at the same time like a sandwich," I said while throwing away the empty bottle. While seeing me she comes closer and said "why you kiss me earlier"

"Oh I have my reasons," I said while kissing her one more time. While we were kissing Meg's voice come to us "we been eating and now one more time we eat your dog food calm down with it"