I will go wake up Sophia

When I was sleeping close to Sophia cold wind wake me up. When I opened my eyes I could see that Megan come closer and when she wanted to wake up Sophia I shake my head.

While seeing me she was surprised so I point on doors. While seeing me she nodded and then I get up from bed to not wake her up and I walk close to doors.

While being there she said "she needs to get up the car will be here in around hour"

"Oh that's bad," I said to her

"Why," she asks me

"She been shaking at night I hope she hasn't caught a cold," I said to her

"Oh that's really bad," she said to me. While hearing her I said "are here some products that I could make breakfast"

"Yes there is," she said while looking at me and then she adds "but first you need to change"

"Oh right," I said to her and then I add "I will be down soon and I will prepare something to eat"

"Oh that's good I will wake up Mei," Megan said