What he is planning to do next


When I been observing Greg and waiting for what he will do I could feel that he start taking out Allan. While feeling it I moaned and I said to him "what you doing"

"I'm taking Allan out," he said

"Ok if it needed," I said and then he takes out Allan fully. When he does this he said "get up and be on all fours"

While hearing him I do what he wanted and while I was waiting for him to put his manhood inside of me he unlocks my bra. While feeling that it falling down I take it to my hand and I throw it away.

When I did this I could feel that Allan start penetrating me. While he been inside of me Greg starts moving and then he put his hands on my girls. While having them there he starts playing with them and after a few seconds, he only focused on my nipples which become harder those they were earlier.