You been drinking too much

While I been calling to grandma and she hasn't answered I ended it while probably she is now busy and I said "she isn't answering"

"To who you been calling" Greg ask me

"Oh to grandma I remembered that they have a home close to one of the most popular resorts and I don't remember the name of it," I said while not remembering this polish names of cities

"Oh that will be good now the process of renting a room is high like hell," Greg said

"True but still I hope she will call me back soon," I said to him

"Yep," he said and then Meg looks at us and she said "you both have some plans there"

"Yes week without mostly doing anything," I said to her

"Yea I know how you're doing anything end," Mei said

"What sometimes going to skiing and then eating a lot," I said to her

"I was not talking about it but still I'm just curious why we going with both of you I need to come back to work," Mei said to us