Sorry babe you need to drive to the end

While I could see that Greg been outside I said "sorry for hitting you yesterday I haven't kept my emotions"

"Oh don't worry about it I can understand you," she said to me

"Thanks," I said to her while coming back to eating. While I was doing it Megan's phone starts ringing and then she answered and she said "ok" after a few seconds. When she did with it she said to me "ok we need to going"

"Ok," I said to her and them sweety girlfriend said "I will call a cab for you"

"Thanks," I said to her while getting up and walking to the room where we were sleeping and after putting my things to bag. When I did with it I come out and while seeing Mei and Meg there talking to sweety girlfriend while I don't know her name I said "we will be going now by"

"By," she said and then we go out. While we were outside we start walking down and then I could see Greg coming to us and then he asked „so what you doing here"

"Oh we coming back to the hotel," I said