What you want to do

While we were going there after some time we come and then Sophia said to me „look what I'm doing"

"Ok," I said and then o started looking at her. while I been doing it she put skis and when she did this with one foot it been good and while I been putting with the second I could feel that I started going down. While I been trying to not fall on ground Sophia grab my hand and then she asked „are you ok"

"Yes I'm fine now," I said and then she said "observe me and then continue what I'm doing"

"Ok," she said and then we started going after her. When I was doing it I fall on the ground and I started cursing snow. While I bene doing it Sophia come closer to me and she asked "are you ok"

"Yes but I hate this white shirt," I said to her

"Oh snow is nice," she said and then she started helping me get up. When she does this Angela come to us and she asked „oh Greg you can't do this"