Let's go upstairs


While feeling Sophia's movement I hug her more 'i will not let you go and nobody can disturb us now' I said to myself while feeling her ass moving more and more. As I been doing it she been moving and then I could feel that Allan started becoming bigger and bigger.

While I was feeling it and her probably too while she moves a little from me I started moving my hands up.

When I touched her boobs due to bra I started moving my hands around of them. When I been doing it she moaned and then she said „not only here"

"Wait I will do it later," I said to her 'not now I want to focus only on that two beautiful boobs of yours' i said to myself while moving more and more. While hearing me she nodded and then I turned her to me. When I did this I started looking at her and then I started kissing her.

While I been doing it she placed her hands my back 'they are so cold' I said to myself and then I stopped it while saying "so cold"