She is in pain

When I go with shaggy to buy some food he bought a full portion while I only take a sandwich. While having it we were eating and talking like always about theories from anime. 'You will know soon with how it's going like in year not like with others you need to wait years. You could finally start reading it' I said to myself while hearing his theory about OP.

while I been a manga reader I know what happened later much later and while I don't want to spoiler him I been quiet about it. As we were doing it his phone started ringing and after he answered it he said "I need to go"

"Ok," I said to him while finishing food. As I was doing it for some time I could see that people come and go with noticing me.

When I finally finished with it I started walking out and then my phone started ringing. While hearing it I take it and I said "yes babe"

"Where are you," Sophia asked me