Working for their enemies

After hearing Sophia's words I have been stunned and it takes me only a few seconds to realize what she means by them. While I started walking after her I come closer and then I asked her "what you mean by these words"

"You should know," she said to me while saying goodbye to the crew and walking to have a check. While we were there we have been staying for longer and they been checking my passport for a long time. 'It's all good with it I have a little more than a year of visa and three years for the end of it' I said to myself while looking at them and then Sophia asked me "What happened"

"I don't know," I said to her and then I could see that they started coming to us and security asked "we have some problems and please remember to have new visa this will expire next month"

"I had year visa so I have more time," I said

"No half a year" security said to me