We have food here

As I was sleeping I wake up at one moment and while I could see that Sophia isn't close to me I murmured "ok so you wake up I can go back sleeping". After a few seconds of saying it, I could hear loud "fuck" and something breaking.

After hearing it I said „what happened"

"Jar with some sauce broke," Sophia said

"Oh fuck," I said while getting up from the bed as fast as I could and then I started walking to the kitchen. While I been doing it I come there and while seeing red on the floor I said "are you all right"

"Yes I'm fine," she said to me and then I take her up and I started walking to the bathroom to see if her feet are all right and if something happened she might not feel it while adrenaline been working.

While being there I put Sophia on the edge of the bath and after taking a shower head I started washing her feet. As I been doing it she said "I'm all right"