Still hungry

When I bene waiting for Sophia I started looking outside and I could see that she have more papers that earlier. as I been waiting for her I could see that doors been opened and after Sophia come inside she come to me so fast that I couldn't do anything and then she sits on my legs and she gives me a kiss. 

When we were like that for some time she stopped and said „good that you are here"

"Thanks," I said

"We will have food soon now we can relax," she said

"What you have here," I asked while pointing on her hand. While hearing me she said „to doc"

"Oh that good at what hour," I asked while wanting to know how fast I need to go away from here

"When you want today," she said while giving me a note and while having it I hide it inside of my pocket. When I did this she said "ok we will wait like that to food come"

"Ok," I said while moving her closer to me. When she been close I said „why you do this"

"Do what?" she asked