If our roads haven't crossed that night

As I been walking after Sophia she comes it elevator and then she asked "Greg what you planning"

"Oh nothing," I said

"Ok," she said while walking to it and when we come down we come out and walked to the car. As we were there we come inside and then her phone started ringing. While hearing it she makes it on speaker and she said "Meg what you want"

"Nothing," Megan said. 

After a few seconds Sophia said "tell truth"

"Ok you have time now," she asked

"Yes," Sophia said while looking at me 'so we will not do anything now but still I want to exercise my hand and I can wait' I said to myself and then I could hear Megan voice "Could you come to my place"

"Ok but for how long," Sophia asked her

"Oh you will see when you will come," she said