I can't move like that

[WARNING 18+ CHAPTER]                             

As I was following naked Sophia I come inside of the bathroom and while seeing her starting water I started undressing. When I did this I could see that Sophia been inside of the bath. As I been seeing her I come inside and then I asked "so what now"

"Oh you will see soon," she said to me while coming closer. While she been a few centimeters from me she sits on my laps and then she said "wash me"

"Ok," I said while moving my hand to move my hair which goes on my right side of the face and started annoying me. When I did this I take a gel and started doing it.

As I been washing Sophia I pay a big attention to her boobs. As I been doing it I most of the time I spent there to not let her know that I want to play with them. As I was doing it I finished cleaning her front and then I moved my hands on her side. When I did this I asked "now you can wash me"