Directly to the hospital

As I was looking around while having my phone in my hand I could hear where it is. While knowing where it happened I get up while walking out. As I been there I walked directly to dad and without knocking, I asked him "dad you come here by yourself or with driver"

"I, come here alone," he said and then he added "he is sick now and I needed to drive"

"I need your car," I said to him

While hearing me he started looking at me and then he said "for what"

"Greg has an accident," I said to him

"Again," he said

"I will see what happened now and then I will give you a call," I said to him while seeing that he take out keys and throw in my direction. While having them I nodded my head and then I walked out. As I been down I walked slowly to dad car I come to his Camaro and after starting it I started driving to where cop told me.