Telling the truth

When we come inside, I could see that doc been waiting there. Before I could say something Greg said "I'm all right"

"I still need to check you," the doctor said. While hearing him I could see that Greg nodded his head and then he walked after him. At first, I wanted to go there but then my phone started ringing. While seeing it I answered, and I said "yes"

"How is Greg," dad asked

"Good, but we check him now," I said to him

"Good could you back to work after it," dad asked

"I will see what doc said but probably yes," I said while knowing that we have rough time now and imp needed there. While hearing my dad said "ok" and he hangs out. When he did this I started looking around and while not seeing Greg anywhere I come to reception and I asked "where Doctor Clark go"

"Room fifth" I could hear.