We need to talk

When I come inside, I could see that dad been looking at me. While seeing him I said "hi dad"

"Oh, hi I can see your new car," he said

"Yes, I chose it," I said to him. While hearing my words he started looking at me and then he said "it looks nice"

"Thanks," I said

"Ok stop this we have guests and food is almost ready," mom said

"Ok I will go to call for Greg," dad said

While hearing him we nodded, and then we come to the table. As we were there, we started talking about many things. While we were doing it for some time I could see that smokers come and while Greg sit close to me we started eating.

While we were doing it we have a quiet atmosphere here. While I was eating slowly lunch where we have some Asian cuisine I couldn't recognize while our cook probably again mixes few. While I was eating it, I could see that Greg eat but not so much like he normally does. While looking at him he said "I will go to room"