Punishment waiting for you

When while I was looking at Greg preparing the food he asked "some mayonnaise"

"Yes," I said while smiling to him. While I was looking at him I said to myself 'oh so this way' and when Greg ended, I said 'oh no again green'.

While I was looking at him he moved to me a sandwich and while I started eating it I started doing some for him with my evil plan to add a lot of this green on his.

While I was doing it I added much more that he on mine and when I ended I moved to him while feeding him. While we were feeding each other for some time I started feeling thirsty and then I "did we have some drink here"

"oh wait let me look," Greg said while looking around of bed where he for most of the time keeps some drink and while he finds out the coke, he gives it to me. While having it I drank, and I said "thanks"