Rest of the band come

While I looked at Angela, I said "so about what you wanted to talk"

"Oh, maybe you hear what I talk with Sophia today," she said

"Yes, I hear about it but still I can't agree to it," I said to her while I wanted to keep my identity as a secret. While hearing me she said "I know but still maybe you should think about it"

"It was one of few things why I go this route so I can live peacefully," I said to her

"I don't understand you," she said

"Look when I go shopping I can go around peacefully while you need for example give autographs," I said to her

"True," she said while looking at me

"So I don't want to do this so that's why I prefer to keep it hidden and be like that forever," I said to her

"But it not going now," she said