You want more

When I come out I started walking to the kitchen to look at what I can make. While I come there, I opened the fridge and then I started looking at it.

While I was doing it I still couldn't decide what to do sandwiches or something else. While I looked around, I opened shelf there for the first time from some time and while seeing jar with paprika where only three left.

While taking it out I looked at the date and while seeing that it expired some time ago I changed the grip of it and then it goes down. While it breaks, I said aloud "Fuck".

While looking at it and nothing to me happened I started cleaning it Sophia come to me and then she asked, "What happened".

"Oh, I found out it expires some time ago and while I take this jar it goes down," I said.

"But how," she asked.

"It wasn't closed," I said.

"I don't remember when I use it last time," she said.

"Me too," I said.