I just don't like that

While I looked at the pool which had been going around, I can recognize which game people want from Greg to play. While I looked at it one win with almost forty percent different. While seeing it Greg said to me "babe".

"Yes," I said while turning to him. While seeing it he said, "Could you go out from me"?

"No, I don't want to," I said.

"But it will be hard for me to play," he said.

"No, my problem," I said while smiling. While hearing me he said, "Ok so you will help me".

"How," I asked.

"You will move while using wsad," he said.

"Oh ok," I said and while my fingers go there, he started it. While he started it he said: "oh well I hope you will help me win here".

"Oh, so you play online," I said while at first, I thought he will play offline.

"Yes chat did it," he said.

"Oh, ok but you know I don't want to," I said.