Hardest quest

When I come out of the bedroom, I walked to the doors. While I come there, I opened doors and while seeing Meg there I asked: "oh only you".

"For now, only me I need to go to see my manager," she said while giving me a bag. While seeing it I looked at her and then I said: "so you come here later".

"Yes Mei and Jim are waiting for me downstairs," Meg said.

"Oh, ok," I said and then her phone started ringing. While hearing it she answered and put it on speaker "I will be there soon".

"Ok," Mei said.

"Buy some food," I said to her.

"Ok," Mei said.

"Thanks," I said and then Meg ended the call. When she did this, she looked at me and then she said: "I will be going and in about an hour I should be back".