You wear too much

While we come down, we could see that Meg is standing there. While seeing us she comes to us and then, she said: "oh finally".

"Could you be a little quiet?" Greg said.

"What happened," she asked.

"Hangover," I said while looking at him. While I said it Meg nodded, and then we walked to the restaurant. While we go to order food, I choose one while taking a cocktail to let Greg drink it, and maybe it will help him with his hangover. When I have it Meg done with her order and then we started walking to Greg. While we come there, I said "drink".

"What is here," he asked.

"Some cocktail," Meg said.

"I don't want to," he said.

"Drink it now," I said while looking at him.

"Ok," he said, and after drinking it all he asked, "What have you ordered".

"For us, almost nothing but Meg takes big portion you will be fat," I said.

"I have many days before coming back," Meg said.

"Oh, you don't have any shows now," Greg asked.