Hard times come

While we come there, we put it on the table, and then I started walking to where Jim is 'I hope he takes care of meat' I said to myself while I was walking there. While I was doing it Sophia jumped on my back, and like that, I continue my walk. While I come there I started checking meat and while seeing that he hasn't flipped it I asked: "when you flipped them".

"Oh, I don't remember," Jim said. While hearing it I flipped meat and when I did it I said: "so we will need now wait some time".

"I know," Sophia said to my ear, and then she hugged me thinner. When she did it I take sauce, and I started adding it there. While I was doing it I said: "do you have onion here".

"Yes, it should be here," Jim said.

"Good, I totally forgot about it and now I can use it," I said and then I started walking to the kitchen. While we come there, I said: "could you go out from me".