She have job now

When I was sitting there and waiting for Greg to come back, I moved my legs in the water to just do something. 'Do it faster' I said to myself and while I was like that and now looking at sky Greg's voice come to me: "babe come here".

"Ok," I said and when I come to him, I could see what he make 'it's fresh and light but still only veggies' I said to myself and while we sit he said, "It's enough for now later I will make good and big dinner".

"Ok," I said and after I give him a kiss, I started outing salad on. While I was doing it, I could see meat there so I take most of it. While I did this, I started eating it. As I was doing it Greg so the same and while we were eating, I take the second portion where I know I will not be full but still, I can eat something. When I did, I looked at Greg and then I said: "it was good".

"I know," he said while eating what left. While he was doing it I said: "now I only want is rest".