I'm trying to have it

While I was taking the sun on me I could hear Greg's voice: "if you want".

"Of course I want it," I said while moving closer to him and when I take a glass from him I drank a little and then I said, "Oh it's with alcohol".

"Yes," he said, and then he drank a little. When he did this, he left glass here and then he started swimming. While he was doing it I looked at him. While I was observing him, I could see that he was swimming a lot. While he was doing it I started feeling that it's so hot and while I have no sun cream on me I get up and then I jumped to the pool. While I was there, he stopped swimming and then he asked: "why you did it".

"Oh, it was too hot, so I wanted to calm a little," I said and when I come closer to him I started kissing him. While I was doing it he grabbed me from behind and then he said while stopping our kiss "oh so you want to swim".

"Maybe yes or maybe I want to do something else," I said.