So we can go home

As I was sleeping some sound wakes me up. When I opened my eyes, I could see that Greg is not here and while hearing him hitting something I get up and when I walked out. When I come to the kitchen, I looked at what he is doing and then I said while I don't know if I have time still to eat in peace before going to work "what hour is now".

"Oh, you wake up," he said.

"Yes, you are so loud," I said.

"Oh, not my fault that they are so strong," he said and after he has done what he was doing he added "eight".

"I need to go fast to work," I screamed and while I was turning he said, "your dad called and you don't need to,"

"Why," I asked while being surprised by his words.

"Some anniversary so you don't need to," he said.

"Oh, it's today this day," I said.

"Yes, but why everyone has a free day," he asked.

"Dad tradition," I said.