Totally forgot about it


As I looked at Greg, I could feel that he moved Allan while we were kissing. As we wait for some time I looked at him and then after the kiss, I said: "ok we can".

"Ok," he said while smiling to me and when he was doing it he tried to move Allan again. When he did it I moaned and while hearing it he smiled one again and then he started moving. As he was doing it I moaned more and while hearing it he couldn't take it and then he started kissing me. As he was doing it he looked at me eyes from time to time while he was kissing me. As we were doing it he moves faster and faster and while he was doing it my moans broke from our kiss and when I looked at him I give him a cheek kiss and then I lay more without moving as it was so good that I don't want to disturb him. When I did it he continues moving.