It taking you too long

When I was sleeping ringing my phone wakes me up. When I opened my eyes, I could see that its day and sun is high "babe wake up" I said while thinking that it's Roland calling but when I saw that I'm alone in bed I get up, and then I walked to it. When I come to my phone, I take it and while seeing that it's Sophia calling to me I answered while saying "yes babe".

"Have I waked you up?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't know why but I had so good and long sleep," he said.

"Oh, ok don't come today to the company with lunch for me as I'm not there," I said.

"So where are you," I asked.

"Mom forced me to have photos with her," she said.

"Oh, ok," I said.

"And we will come for dinner so make something good," she said.

"Ok I will make I even have something in mind," I said.