We will meet tomorrow

When we were driving for a short time and I was looking at my phone as for now I had nothing to talk with Greg I could see that mom texted me 'we will be late'

'Ok' I answered her and then I said to Greg "drive slower dad hasn't come out yet".

"Ok," he said to me and when he looked at me he said, "We were there".

"Yes, once we were in this restaurant but a long time ago," I said 'almost forgot about it' I said to myself while looking at him.

"so I remembered it well," he said while smiling and when he comes back to driving we come there, after some time and when he parked he said, "so we will wait here".

"Yes, more lily half of the hour," I said while I just received a new message.

"Oh, so we can go shopping," he said.

"Yes we can," I said while looking at him and when he takes his phone out and when he looked at me he said, "So we can drive there".