Annoying cousin

When I was working, I haven't paid much attention to what was happening and more important which hour it is. As I continue my work, I take breaks to drink tea and use the bathroom, and like that; I worked. When I was doing it, I could hear that my phone rang but as I don't care about it now I continue my work. While I was doing it, I could hear that someone come inside of my room and as I didn't look who while thinking it's my assistant I could hear Greg's voice, "babe its end for today".

"What," I said to him.

"It's a few minutes past sixteen," he said.

"Oh, fuck" I said and then I started saving everything. When I was doing it, I could see that he started coming to me and when I smiled I said to him "work one again take me too much I'm saving everything and babe I'm hungry".

"Dinner is prepared," he said and when I turned everything off and then I take my bag, I walked to him and as I give him a kiss I said, "Now we can go".