Going here by ship

When I was sleeping, I wake up at one point and as I get up slowly from the bed I remembered that I slept in Greg's room and as I walked out of it I walked to the bedroom to check how Greg is doing and check if he still has a temperature. When I come to the bedroom, I could see that he isn't there.

"Where have you gone," I asked myself and then I started looking all around the place. When I was doing it, I couldn't see him anywhere and then I take my phone and as I was choosing his number, I could hear that someone come inside and then Greg said: "To whom are you calling".

"You," I said and when I come closer to him I moved my hand to his forehead, and then I said while not feeling that it's hot, "it's normal now".

"Yes, probably exhaustion hit me," he said. When I hear him I smiled and then I kiss him. When I had done this, he looked at me and he said "so now breakfast will be".

"Oh where you go," I asked.