Drank too much

When we go out of the company, I looked at Mei, and while I was doing it she said: "Jim is waiting for us".

"ok," I said to her, and when I followed her, we walked to the parking and while being there I go inside of the car and while being there Mei gives Jim his ID and when he had it he said "thanks".

"Greg found it," I said and when Jim nodded he started driving somewhere. When we were going there for some time we had come to the restaurant and while being there we go out of the car and as we walked inside, we ordered our food and then we waited for it. As we were doing it we talked about many things, and as it was happening it had come, and while we eat Jim paid, and then we walked out, and they drove me back to work. While being there I walked inside and while being there, I meet mom and while seeing me she said: "how are you, child".

"good mom something has happened," I asked.