I will pay for it

When I wake up, I could feel pain in my arms after I moved them a little. While feeling this, I said "fuck" while moving them more as first what goes to my mind, that I probably slept on them but this wasn't the case. As I was doing it, I get up and as slowly I started stretching them, sweety has come to my room, and while seeing me, he said, "so you too".

"as you can see," I said to him, and when we laughed for short time, he said, "today furniture will come".

"oh, you bought them," I asked while we still have a lot to paint.

"yes," he said, and when I looked at him, I said, "I will pay for them".

"no bro you can't," he said.

"It's a gift from me to you on your new life route," I said, and as he has nodded, I could see tears going from his eye, and then I added "ok don't cry let's eat and we need to go,".

"yes and good that you wake up at eight, not like yesterday at twelve," he said while cleaning his face.