My hard work as yours

When I come inside, I looked at Adam who was talking with a customer, and while seeing it, I walked into my place. When I had done this next one has come, and while seeing her, I walked there, and while being there I smiled, and then I started talking with her. While I was doing it, I helped her choose the bike for her nephew, and while she paid I take the box with it, and then I walked after her to hide this in a car. When I had done this, I come back, and while Adam has done with his customer, I walked to my food, and while I checked it, I still haven't fallen hungry and as I put food on the side I needed to come back as next costumers have come. 

While I was helping them choose finally what they had done and while once again peace has come, I looked around, and while I was doing it, I said: "I will heat food".