I'm not a small kid

In the USA.

When I was sleeping I was wake up, I looked at mom who was close to me, and when she was moving my shoulder while saying "wake up". While hearing her I looked at her and then I said "I'm awake don't worry".

"Good," she said and when I looked at her for some time she added, "now eat and checking is soon".

"Ok," I said to her and when I moved from the bed while yawning loud I walked to the bathroom, and when I have done there all that I needed. When I had done this I walked slowly out and when I had changed into normal clothes I walked to the living room where breakfast was waiting for me. While seeing it I looked at it and then slowly I started eating while looking from time to time on TV and while seeing there that almost eleven has hit I know that I had long sleep without any disturbs. While I was eating I had done it and when mom walked closer to me she cleaned my face and when I looked at her I said: "I'm not a small kid".