How long we need to wait

In the USA

When I wake up on my own, I moved slowly from the bed, and when I had done this my steps, go to the bathroom. When I was there, I had done what I needed and when I had done this; I looked at the mirror, and while seeing that my hair is in a mess, I walked under the shower, and when I take a shower, I cleaned them too. When I had done this, and I walked out with them only wet, I looked for a hairdryer, and when I had was doing it, as I couldn't see it in the bathroom, I put on me underwear, and when I had done this, I walked out and while walking to other bathroom mom voice come "what are you doing".

"Looking for hairdryer," I said to her, and when she nodded, she walked after me to the other bathroom, and while being there, she started drying them. When this was happening for some time, she had finally done this, and then she said "done go change and come for breakfast".