Be together as a family

While we walked slowly, to the park mostly, I followed Greg, at one point, he answered his phone. When this has happened, and he talked for some time, I tried to understand what he is talking about, but after short of hearing it, I know it needs to be about business. While I looked at him, we walked to the park, and while being there, he let me go in front, and while hearing that he started smoking, I shake my head, and I said quietly, "You should drop it."

When this has happened, I could see that Helen and Janet fell asleep, and while this was happening, I walked more around to see some nice place to stay there. When I finally sit, I looked at Greg, and while slowly I moved the stroller, I looked at them. While this was happening for some time, I started feeling that I need to use the bathroom, and while I couldn't keep it anymore, I said, "Can you take care of them for a few minutes."

"What is happening," Greg asked.