Mind went blank

In Poland

When I wake up, I looked by the window, and while seeing the sun shining on my face, I moved to the side to try to fall asleep once again. As I was trying for some time, I couldn't do this as someone started doing in his flat above me. While hearing it, I looked at my pillow, and when I couldn't fall asleep, I moved from bed finally. 

When I come out of it, my next steps were to the bathroom, and when I was done there all, I go to the kitchen to think about what I could make. While being there, I started looking at what is there, and as I was doing it for some time, I finally found sausage, which was on the back still in the pack. While I looked at it, I could see that soon it will expire and while I opened it I started looking at it while thinking what I could make with it.